VSIE WELCOMES YOUR DONATION!  We thank you so much for your support!  Please see ways to donate below:

For donations up to $200, please use the  Canada Helps website for various payment options! 

For donations of $200 or more, please send via eTransfer to admin@vsie.ca 

Please be sure to include your full name and address with your eTransfer for receipting purposes

You are also welcome to mail us a cheque to the address on our contact page.

We also accept donations via PayPal: please click here for a paypal payment

If you use a different platform like Benevity and/or United Way, our society’s name is : 

Maharishi Age of Enlightenment School Society

For in-kind donations, please contact admin@vsie.ca

VSIE issues donation receipts for all donations over $25 as we are registered charity with the CRA