VSIE School Year Off To A Great Start
Our school blog, after a short delay, kicks off this week with it’s first post, with weekly posts to follow throughout the year. The classes at VSIE have been busy settling into the rhythm and routine of the new school year, with the Kindergarten and Grade One classes excitedly awaiting the opening of their classrooms in our brand new space right next door which will be home to the VSIE Primary Nature Program. In the meantime, they have thoroughly enjoyed their outdoor classroom, soaking in their lessons as well as the sunshine.
In Support of World Food Day, which was on October 16th, the K/Gr 1’s initiated a food drive within the school, and their efforts resulted in a generous amount of non perishable food items being donated which they were able to deliver to St. Vincent De Paul. The older students spent the afternoon visiting the Mustard Seed Food Bank, and were able to observe firsthand the impact food donations have, and the full circle effect of how the food gets from the center to those who are in need of it’s resources.